On March 7 we work until 15:00
Country-Specific Services: Italy Spain CIS
Поздравляем с международным женским днем 8 марта
Happy International Women's Day, March 8th
С праздником весны, красоты и вдохновения! Пусть каждый день приносит радость, улыбки и тепло. Будьте счастливы, любимы и окружены заботой! С 8 Марта!
7 марта работаем до 15:00
On March 7 we work until 15:00
Due to operational requirements, we would like to inform you that on March 7, 2025, our office will operate on a reduced schedule: ⏰ Working hours: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Больше апостилей — выгоднее цена! Первая акция 2025 года от компании «Право и слово»!
More apostilles - better price! The first promotion of 2025 from the company "Pravo i Slovo"!
Planning to use documents abroad? Then you definitely need an apostille! An apostille is a simplified form of document legalization for the countries participating in the Hague Convention.
С Новым 2025 Годом
Happy New Year 2025
Happy New Year 2025, dear clients and partners of the Law Firm "Pravo i Slovo"!
Консульская легализация коммерческих документов для Кувейта
Consular Commercial Document Legalization for Kuwait
Documents are accepted at the Kuwait Embassy's consular department upon receiving seals from the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Рейтинг переводческих компаний 2024
Translation companies rating 2024
Word & Law has ranked among the TOP 50 largest translation agencies in Russia, its results placing it 30th for the year 2024.
У нас появился Телеграм-канал!
We have a Telegram channel!
We have created a Telegram channel.
Компания «Право и слово» получила сертификаты соответствия ISO 9001:2015 и ISO 17100:2015
Law & Word Is Now ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17100:2015 Certified
In March 2024, our company passed an audit and obtained ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17100:2015 compliance certificates!
Поздравляем с Днём Переводчика!
Happy Translator's Day!
International Translation Day is celebrated annually on September 30.
Translation Forum Russia 2024
Translation Forum Russia 2024
The largest translators event in Russia, Translation Forum Russia has gone on since 2009, and this year is no exception
Подача документов в Консульство Италии
We will also handle the submission and collection of your documents once you have an appointment
Our accredited translators can translate your documents package into Italian for subsequent certification at the Consulate. We will also handle the submission and collection of your documents once you have an appointment.
Срочный перевод и нотариальное заверение в выходные
Urgent translation and notarization on weekends!
Translation of official documents and notarization may be needed on any day of the week. In addition, many people do not have enough time on weekdays to prepare documents. We would like to offer our clients the possibility of urgent translation with notarization on Saturday and Sunday!
Легализация образовательных документов со скидкой в 30%
Legalization of educational documents with a 30% discount
Spring has come, which means that summer is coming soon! Summer is a wonderful time for everyone, but especially important time for schoolchildren and students. Passing exams. Receiving certificates and diplomas. Finally, graduation!
Безинтересно или безынтересно, тОрты или тортЫ,  Как правильно?
“Bezinteresno” or “Bezynteresno”? “TOrty” or “TorTY”? Which is correct?
There is a solution! On January 1, 2025, a new law goes into effect establishing the National Dictionary Fund.
Социальная ассоциация по правам человека – новый помощник итальянцев в России
Social Human Rights Association: a New Assistant for Italians in Russia
With the help of the Honorary Italian Consulate in Krasnodar, the SSAN was created in the beginning of 2024 –Krai public human rights organization “The Population Social Assistance Service”.
Значимое событие в мире футбола - «Кубок Легенд» 2024!
A Spectacular, Major Event in the Football World - the 2024 Legends Cup!
As is tradition, following the tournament’s conclusion, a ceremonial indoor awards presentation took place in the respectable MonArch hotel. Word & Law has long since helped communicate all the tournament’s organizers warm words to the foreign spectators delighting in all the action. The burden of performing synchronized interpreting was placed on our shoulders again, a task we handled with flying colors.
Замена иностранных водительских прав без сдачи экзаменов c 2024 года
Swapping Foreign Driver's Licenses
Many foreigners who’ve moved to the Russian Federation ask us about the rules that apply to foreign driver's licenses. Frankly, the rules have always seemed to be quite murky. However, one thing has always been clear: after a foreigner acquires a permanent resident card or citizenship in the Russian Federation, they are then required to obtain a Russian driver's license within a six-month period.
Новый проект Союза переводчиков России
An All-New Project by the Russian Translators Union
Word & Law Company has emerged as an official partner of a project initiated by the Union of Translators of Russia and has received the support of the Moscow City Government (the project was honored with the Civil Initiatives nomination at the 2023 Moscow Mayor Grants competition, Agreement #229-GM/23 on 10/10/2023). Its implementation will take place over the period of January-December 2024.