
Document Legalization for Estonia
Russia and Estonia are members of the Hague Convention of 1961, which annuls the requirement for full consular legalization.

Document Legalization for Slovakia
You can always ask our company specialists how an Apostille stamp is printed, which documents can and cannot be apostilled, and which authorities of the Russian Federation are authorized to stamp it.

Document Legalization for Poland
Russian document legalization for Poland is a necessary procedure for documents to be deemed valid on the territory of Poland.

Certification of Russian Documents for Hungary
A well-known fact is that Hungary is among the countries party to the Hague Convention since 1961 to simplify the procedure for certifying documents. So, documents issued in Russia must have an “Apostille” stamped on them.

Certification of Documents from the Central State Archive of the City of Moscow
Archive certificates issued by this institution can be apostilled or they can undergo full consular certification, depending on the country of the document's destination.

Certifying DIS, DIM, DIB, and DI category diplomas
Starting February 11, 2003 in accordance with Order No. 470 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, students were issued special series of diplomas:

Full and partial consular certification through the chamber of commerce
The cost of our services for having one document certified in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation of commercial nature is 4,800 RUR and for certification in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the consulate of the given country is 6,000 RUR (including the Chamber of Commerce and Industry's fee of 1,650 RUR). The wait period is 1-2 business days, not including the consulate's wait period.

Expedited certification services
Consular certification procedure in Russia consists of 5 stages: