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Country-Specific Services: Italy Spain CIS
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We offer legal and translation services in Kyrgyzstan:

  • claiming documents (high school diplomas, university and trade school diplomas, academic statements,   certificates, Civil Registry Office statements, certificates of good conduct, etc.) in any city of Kyrgyzia (Kyrgyzstan);
  • the receipt of apostilles on documents (Kyrgyzstan joined the Gaag Convention on 01/08/2010) in all authorized government authorities of Kyrgyzia (Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education, etc.);
  • the consular certification of documents for any country;
  • translating a document into any language;
  • certifying the correctness of a translation in the necessary consulate in Bishkek.

If you feel the need for any additional services in Kyrgyzia (Kyrgyzstan) to be added to our portfolio, please don't hesitate to contact us!  

Below you can see some examples of the timetables and prices for our highest in demand services.

In order to find out an exact cost estimate of our services in Kyrgyzia, please send us the documents subject to certification.

1. Consular certification of a diploma. The wait period is 10-30 days and the cost starts at 100$. A letter of authorization from a notary is needed.

2. Consular certification of the diploma and its attachments.  The wait period is 10-30 days and the cost starts at 100$. A letter of authorization from a notary is needed.

3. Consular certification of Civil Registry Office statements (birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, name change certificates, etc.). The wait period is 10-30 days and the cost starts at 100$. A letter of authorization from a notary is needed.

ATTENTION: despite the fact that Kyrgyzia (Kyrgyzstan) has joined the Gaag Convention, which entails the placement of an apostille as the appropriate document certification method, there are some European countries that do not recognize Kyrgyz apostilles (for example, Belgium, Greece, and Germany) and require you to have consular certification receipts (a notarial copy, Ministry of Justice receipt, Ministry of Internal Affairs receipt, a receipt from the embassy of the country in question).

4. Translation into Italian by accredited translators of the Italian Embassy in Bishkek. The wait period is about 2-3 days. The cost starts at 20$ for each document.

5. Certification of the correctness of a translation in an Italian Consulate in Almaty (Kazakhstan). The wait period is at least 3 weeks, including the time it takes for the document to travel from Bishkek to Almaty. The cost starts at 150$ and up. A consular fee is to be paid separately in the amount of 10 to 20 euros for each page of text. A scan of the photograph page of the document owner's passport is required along with a letter of authorization from the notary. 

Important: there is no Italian Embassy in Kyrgyzia (Kyrgyzstan)! Documents prepared for Italy are to be certified in the Italian Embassy in Almaty, Kazakhstan. This is also the place where a Dichiarazione di valore in loco of education documents is to be done, which were issued in Kyrgyzia during the time of the existence of the USSR or Kyrgyzstan. We provide a full range of services, starting with a document's certification in Kyrgyzia, followed by the certification of the document in the Italian Embassy in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

6. Formalization of a dichiarazione di valore in loco of education documents issued in the Kyrgyz Soviet Socialist Republic or in the Kyrgyz Republic after the year 1991 in the Italian Embassy in Alma-Ata (Almaty). The wait period is about 15 business days and the cost starts at 150$, not including the consular fee.  

7. Claiming a document in Bishkek. The wait period is 5 business days and the cost starts at 100$. A letter of authorization from a notary is required.

8. Claiming documents in other cities starts at 150$ (depending on the distance from Bishkek). The wait period is about 7-15 business days. A letter of authorization from a notary is required.

9. Receiving certificates of good conduct and having an apostille placed on it or the consular certification of a  certificate for the country in question. A letter of authorization from a notary is required. The price and timetable will be determined individually in each separate case.

10. The cost of delivering a ready document to any desired address: depends on the type of delivery service you’ve chosen and the destination country. We can send a ready order from Bishkek to any corner of the globe through Moscow!

IMPORTANT: the exact amount subject to payment is counted ONLY after the submission of a scan of the document.  We also offer the possibility of discounts for people ordering service packages.

Contact us if you need:

  • an  apostille in Kyrgyzia (Kyrgyzstan);
  • an apostille for a diploma or certificate;
  • certification of a statement, diploma, or certificate;
  • certification of other documents in Kyrgyzia (Kyrgyzstan).

We will be glad to help you!

We offer legal and translation services in Kyrgyzstan

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