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Any changes to an LLC (such as the appointment of a new CEO, change of legal address, change of OKVED code, etc.) must be registered at the USRLE (Unified State Register of Legal Entities). To do so, you will need to notify the registration authority (each region in Russia has its own registration authority) of the changes made by sending a P13014 form with specific documents attached.

Federal law #129-FZ “On state registration of legal entities and sole proprietors” envisages an exhaustive list of the documents necessary for each type of change. The smallest mistake in observing this law's requirements will without exception cause a refusal of state registration.

All changes can be divided up into two big groups:

  1. Changes entered into the USRLE without any changes to the incorporation documents.
  2. Changes entered into the USRLE and the incorporation documents of the LLC (this is most often the articles of association).

In the first case, the documents package is smaller. In some cases, one can do with simply submitting a P13014 form. For instance, in the event that a new president is appointed at the organization or the organization takes on a new area of business.

In the second case, in addition to the P13014 form, other required documents will include a decision (record) to introduce changes into the incorporation documents, articles of association or amendments to it.

After the documents package is created, it must be decided by what method they will be sent to the registration authority – whether electronically or in paper form.

If you observe several conditions, you can save yourself a trip to the notary. For instance, if you have a qualified electronic signature established by the necessary software and you don't need to have the decision notarized. If this is the case, you can create the documents package and send it to the tax office on your own. You will receive a response from the tax inspectorate at the email address you indicated.

In all other cases, you will have to visit a notary. The signature of the filer (usually that is the CEO of the LLC) on the form must be notarized whenever any change is being entered. This is a requirement (except for cases in which documents are submitted electronically using the qualified electronic signature of the CEO). Keep in mind that whatever change you need notarized, the notary will require a certain documents package from you. That's most often the package of incorporation documents, the decision to appoint a new CEO, and the decision (record) of the changes made. However, it's best to ask the notary that you are going to be dealing with to find out the complete list you will need.

After all of the necessary documents are notarized, now it’s time to decide on the method via which you are going to provide them to the registration authority. The simplest route is to use the notary's electronic document forwarding service. You can take your documents to the tax office in person, mail them off, or use a deliveryman service.

The deliveryman must have a notarial power of attorney with him providing for authorization to submit the documents to the registration authority on your behalf. In all cases other than mailing, the registration authority will issue a signed acknowledgement of the documents’ receipt which will indicate the date the decision will be made. In the event that you send the documents in electronic form, the reply will arrive in your email inbox. In the event that you send the documents in paper form, you will need to visit the tax inspectorate again to pick them up.

Registering changes within an LLC takes five business days. The tax inspectorate can issue a decision to suspend government registration if it decides that further verification of the accuracy of the provided information needs to be performed.

As a result of entering the changes, you will receive the following documents:

  • a registration sheet regarding the entry of the changes;
  • a tax registration statement (if your territorial tax office has changed following the change of your LLC's legal address);
  • your articles of association or the changes made to it with the seal of the tax office (in the event that the changes concern your LLC's incorporation documents).

Sound too complicated or don't feel like spending time engaged in something outside your area of business? Let us handle it. We’ll contact the notary, coordinate the list of documents, check them, write them up, formalize them, provide legal assistance, submit them, and pick them up for you. We’ll do everything that needs to be done to ensure the changes are reflected in the tax register within the shortest possible time period.

Introducing Changes to an LLC’s Information

Prices and Timelines

Service Title Cost, RUB Timetable
Внесение изменений в ЕГРЮЛ / учредительные документы (смена руководителя юридического адреса, видов деятельности и т.д.)
от 5 рабочих дней

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