Urgent translation and notarization on weekends!
Country-Specific Services: Italy Spain CIS
Получение справки о несудимости и проставление штампа «Апостиль» в США
Obtaining a Police Record and an Apostille Stamp in USA
After the record is issued, it will need an apostille to be stamped on it. That is done at the Department of Justice of USA and is done over the course of 90 calendar days.
Справка из налоговой инспекции
Tax Office Certificates
Do you need to obtain a tax office certificate in Russia or any other type of document? Get in touch with us. We're always happy to help!
Получение и легализация документов в Узбекистане
Obtaining and Certifying Documents in Uzbekistan
In Uzbekistan, just like in Russia, there are several government authorities with the ability to stamp Apostille on documents.
Оформление российских документов для Индии
Formalizing Russian Documents for India
India is a unique country, home to over 400 ethnic groups speaking more than 447 languages and 2,000 dialects! And there’s much more to the country than that.
Подготовка российских документов для Уругвая
Russian Document Preparation for Uruguay
Are you gathering documents with the intention of moving to Uruguay? We are always happy to help you assemble and certify documents for that country.
Внесение записи (траскриционе) о рождении в итальянские реестры о рождении
Birth Record (Trascrizione) in Italian Birth Registry
A child born both to Russian and Italian citizens may acquire two citizenships, Russian and Italian. If a child is born in Russia, it would make sense first to acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation.
Codice fiscale или итальянский налоговый номер
Codice fiscale or Italian fiscal number
After a foreigner obtains a residence permit (permesso di soggiorno issued for a specified period) or permanent residency (carta di soggiorno without a date of expiry) in Italy, he/she should apply to the Revenue Agency of the Italian Ministry of Finance for fiscal number.
Удостоверение верности копии оригиналу документов в консульстве Италии в Москве
Attestation of the correctness of copies for the originals documents in the Italian consulate in Moscow
Attestation of the correctness of copies for original documents in the Italian consulate is, as a rule, a concurrent procedure with the attestation of the correctness of a translation.
Услуги истребованию и подготовке российских документов для Испании
Services for the recovery and preparation of Russian documents for Spain
In close collaboration with the Spanish Embassy in Moscow, we specialize in providing as full a range of services as possible, pertaining to the claim and preparation of Russian documents for their subsequent use on the territory of Spain.
Все способы иммиграции в Италию
All modes of immigration to Italy
Everyone who thought about immigration to Italy for permanent residence tries first to find some information about any modes of such immigration.
Полная вёрстка документов
Full layout of documents
With an aim to provide convenient, complete, and satisfying service to our customers, we provide “complete proofing” on top of our other regular services that we provide. This service entails processing a translation of the document the same way the original was. This service is primarily called for when translating printed publications, schemes, drafts, labels, and other graphic documents.