Obtaining a Certificates for Renunciation of Russian Federation Citizenship
On October 24, 2023, Law #138-FZ “On renouncing Russian Federation citizenship” (“Law on citizenship”) as of 4/28/2023 went into effect.
Based on the new Law on citizenship, Russian Federation Presidential Decree #889 “Issues regarding Russian Federation citizenship” went into effect as of 11/22/2023.
The new legislative provisions contain, in part, sections clarifying the procedure for renouncing Russian Federation citizenship.
Renouncing Russian Federation citizenship requires the following documents be provided to the consular department of the Russian embassy:
1) a Russian Federation tax authority document regarding the applicant's lack of tax debt subject to payment.
This document can be obtained by power of attorney at the territorial authority of the tax inspectorate with jurisdiction over the applicant’s last registration address. If the applicant never lived in the Russian Federation, it will be the central organ of the Federal Tax Service. The wait period to receive the statement from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation is 2-3 weeks.
2) A document from the writ of execution organ of the Russian Federation declaring that there is no ongoing incomplete writ of execution relevant to the applicant.
This document can be obtained by power of attorney at the Central Organ of the Federal Bailiffs Service of the Russian Federation. The wait period to receive the statement from the Federal Bailiffs Service usually is around a month and a half.
3) A document proving the lack of any bases for the citizen to be deemed as not having completed draft-imposed military duty without due justification for failing to do so (for male applicants between the ages of 18 and 30).
Unfortunately, documents can only be obtained from a draft office in person.
Our company's lawyers help with obtaining any and all certificates. Get in touch with us today to discuss everything you’ll need to know!
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