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Варианты миграции для кубинских граждан в Россию
Russia visitation rules for citizens of Cuba
Cuban citizens are able to visit the Russian Federation without a visa for a period of up to 90 days.
Замена водительского удостоверения с иностранного на российское на практике
Swapping Your Foreign Driver's License 11 Questions for Our Lawyer
Until which date will foreigners be able to drive using their driver's licenses from their home countries? Or, in other words, how long do foreigners have to exchange their foreign driver's licenses for a Russian one?
Как усыновленному иностранцу получить сведения о биологических родителях из России
How Does an Adopted Foreigner Acquire Information on Their Biological Russian Parents
For various reasons, children who've grown up to become adults start to develop a curiosity about their origins. Some want to meet their biological parents and relatives while others want to find out whether they are genetically prone to particular diseases.
AIRE: что это значит
What is AIRE?
AIRE is short for “Anagrafe Italiani Residenti all’Estero,” in other words – the Register of Italians Living Abroad for over 12 months.
Расторжение брака онлайн пошаговая инструкция
Marriage Dissolution Online
Divorce can be a difficult and emotionally draining process, but with the development of digital technologies in Russia, an opportunity has now surfaced to simplify this procedure. Let’s take a look at how that can be done.
Получение сведений об обязательном страховании гражданской ответственности владельца транспортного средства по договору обязательного страхования
Requesting Information on Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance for Vehicle Owners under Compulsory Insurance
We can help you obtain any document that can possibly be achieved via a power of attorney.
Справка о составе семьи для Италии
Family Composition Certificate for Italy
A family composition certificate is a document that is most commonly requested by students undergoing education in Italy to apply for a DSU (Diritto allo Studio Universitario) scholarship.
Неаполитанский университет «Л’Ориентале»
University of Naples Federico II
University of Naples Federico II is the oldest sinology and orientalism school on the European continent and the foremost university in Italy specializing in the study of non-European languages and cultures in addition to cooperating with universities worldwide. It’s one of the most prestigious universities in the world when it comes to Asian cultures and languages.
Возможно ли иностранцу изменить в России имя или фамилию
Can a foreigner change their first or last name in Russia
A foreign national living on the territory of Russia can in fact change their first or last name (or both).
Снятие с регистрационного учета
Deregistration Procedure
It’s worth noting in conclusion that registration of one’s residence, unlike deregistration, can only be done via a personal visit by the affected person and no power of attorney is permitted to complete that procedure.
Брачный договор: можно ли оспорить
Prenuptial agreements: can they be disputed?
The matrimonial property regime can be written out and agreed upon. By default, the legal regime in effect is a 50/50 split, starting as of the date that the man and the woman become married. It can be changed via a prenuptial agreement or envisage, for instance, that the property acquired during the marriage remain the personal property of the spouse whose name it is registered in or whose money was used to buy it.
Получение справки о несудимости и проставление штампа «Апостиль» в США
Obtaining a Police Record and an Apostille Stamp in USA
After the record is issued, it will need an apostille to be stamped on it. That is done at the Department of Justice of USA and is done over the course of 90 calendar days.
Справка из налоговой инспекции
Tax Office Certificates
Do you need to obtain a tax office certificate in Russia or any other type of document? Get in touch with us. We're always happy to help!
Получение и легализация документов в Узбекистане
Obtaining and Certifying Documents in Uzbekistan
In Uzbekistan, just like in Russia, there are several government authorities with the ability to stamp Apostille on documents.
Оформление российских документов для Индии
Formalizing Russian Documents for India
India is a unique country, home to over 400 ethnic groups speaking more than 447 languages and 2,000 dialects! And there’s much more to the country than that.
Подготовка российских документов для Уругвая
Russian Document Preparation for Uruguay
Are you gathering documents with the intention of moving to Uruguay? We are always happy to help you assemble and certify documents for that country.
Внесение записи (траскриционе) о рождении в итальянские реестры о рождении
Birth Record (Trascrizione) in Italian Birth Registry
A child born both to Russian and Italian citizens may acquire two citizenships, Russian and Italian. If a child is born in Russia, it would make sense first to acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation.
Codice fiscale или итальянский налоговый номер
Codice fiscale or Italian fiscal number
After a foreigner obtains a residence permit (permesso di soggiorno issued for a specified period) or permanent residency (carta di soggiorno without a date of expiry) in Italy, he/she should apply to the Revenue Agency of the Italian Ministry of Finance for fiscal number.