Urgent translation and notarization on weekends!
Country-Specific Services: Italy Spain CIS
Как усыновленному иностранцу получить сведения о биологических родителях из России
How Does an Adopted Foreigner Acquire Information on Their Biological Russian Parents
For various reasons, children who've grown up to become adults start to develop a curiosity about their origins. Some want to meet their biological parents and relatives while others want to find out whether they are genetically prone to particular diseases.
Апостиль для КНР
Apostilles for the PRC
Always be sure to ask the host party how exactly your documents need to be processed (whether they must contain an apostille, whether they must come with a notarized translation, or whether they have any other particular requirements for the documents).
Легализация российских коммерческих документов для Султаната Оман
Certifying Russian Commercial Documents for the Sultanate of Oman
Oman is among the countries party to the Hague Convention of 1961 struck for the purpose of simplifying document certification procedure. For that reason, Russian documents intended for use in the country require an Apostille stamp.
Признание и исполнение решений иностранных судов
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Court Rulings
Still have questions? Get in touch with us and receive the qualified help of Word & Law Company's lawyers.
Декларация эквиполленцы (признание иностранных образовательных документов на территории Итальянской Республики)
Getting foreign education documents recognized on the territory of the Republic of Italy
Foreign education documents in and of themselves do not wield any legal force in Italy. In the case that the necessity arises to use such documents on the territory of the Republic of Italy, you will have to engage in the procedure of having their conformity to established Italian education standards recognized.
Как подготовиться к судебному заседанию
Preparing for Court Hearings
Need a lawyer to prepare your lawsuit? Have you already received a summons? Get in touch with us today to professionally handle your dispute for you!
Что нужно, чтобы заключить новый брак в Российской Федерации, если предыдущий брак был заключен в России, а расторгнут за границей
How does one go entering into a new marriage in the Russian Federation if a previous marriage took place in Russia but a divorce was subsequently filed abroad?
Still have questions or need to translate a marriage certificate? Get in touch with us today!
Уступка прав по инвестиционному договору
Cession of Rights for Investment Agreements
Are you considering concluding (or amending) an investment agreement? Then obtaining qualified legal counsel is a must for you. Get in touch with us today!
Документы для получения гражданства Италии
Documents Required to Apply for Italian Citizenship
The primary documents required to apply for Italian citizenship are a birth certificate and a clean police record. Both documents must be apostilled.
Что делать, если судья долго не изготавливает решение
What Do You Do When a Court Is Taking a Long Time Issuing a Ruling?
Still have any questions you’d like to ask our lawyers? Send us a message today to our email!
Можно ли судиться без юриста
Can One Go to Court without a Lawyer?
That begs the question: “Should one seek legal assistance if one finds oneself needing to go to court?” After all, there are all kinds of samples of lawsuits, complaints, petitions, as well as action plans for various situations floating around the depths of the Internet.
Особенности выхода из гражданства РФ в свете последних изменений в законодательстве
The Specifics of Renouncing Citizenship in the Russian Federation in Light of Recent Legislative Changes
Barring the Russian Federation citizen’s ability to do so, the conclusion will be that he will not be able to renounce Russian citizenship until he reaches the age of 30.
Апостиль на российские документы для Канады
Russian Document Apostilles for Canada
Always have your host party explain how to have your documents processed, such as whether or not to have an apostille stamped on them, and whether they will require a notarized translation.
Признание паев совместно нажитым имуществом супругов и раздел паев
Recognition of Shares as Jointly Acquired Spouse Property and the Division of Shares
In satisfying the requirements to divide up funds invested into a mutual investment fund, courts attribute to each spouse a 1/2 right to the share of the funds on the bank accounts in mutual investment funds as of the date the divorce is filed.
Возможно ли зарегистрировать адрес места нахождения юридического лица в апартаментах
Can a legal entity be registered at the address of an apartment hotel?
The main requirement is that the address must be correct. In other words, the sole executive office must indeed actually operate there. Any other legal questions? Send us a message or give us a call today!
Можно ли сдавать в наем квартиру, находящуюся в залоге у банка
Can you lease an apartment under mortgage with a bank?
Thus, if a bank includes a term into a mortgage agreement prohibiting the lease of a collateral apartment, this constitutes an infringement of the borrower’s rights a consumer, and the term itself is thus legally invalid.
Адвокатура Италии. Большое интервью: Анастасия Старовойтова-Инце, Андреа Кодоньотто и Дмитрий Журавлев
Legal Practice in Italy: A Major Interview Featuring Anastasia Starovoitova-Ince, Andrea Codognotto, and Dmitry Zhuravlev
Today we present a major interview with Andrea Codognotto, a lawyer in the field of international private rights a member of the bar of Treviso, Italy. Authorized lawyer of the Italian Consulate in Moscow Anastasia Starovoitova-Ince helps provide assistance in the interviewing.
Анастасия Старовойтова-Инце в выпуске программы Пятница NEWS 08.02.2024 г.
Anastasia Starovoitova-Ince in the 2/8/2024 episode of Pyatintsa NEWS
A person's desktop can tell you a lot of things about them. The film crew studied the objects that Anastasia Starovoitova-Ince keeps at her desktop.