Obtaining citizenship for foreigners who have signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense
This article aims to show in a simplified form the most important elements related to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation related to the admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation of foreign citizens who have entered into a military service contract in the Russian Forces. Armies of the Russian Federation or military formations, and their families. The analysis is not intended to supplant the legal body of the decree but rather, through its analysis, to clarify any doubts regarding this matter for foreign citizens who may find themselves in this situation.
Legal basis of the presidential decree:
- Paragraph 4 of part 1 of article 28 of the Federal Law of April 28, 2023 No. 138-FZ “On citizenship of the Russian Federation”
- Part 9 of Article 16 of the Federal Law of April 28, 2023 No. 138-FZ "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation"
Who can apply to this decree:
- Foreign citizens who, during the period of a special military operation, have entered into a military service contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or military formations, or who are performing military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or military formations during the period of a special military operation.
- Foreign citizens dismissed from military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or military formations during the period of a special military operation on the basis of subparagraphs "a" - "d" and "o" of paragraph 1 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On military service and military service."
- Spouses, children (including adopted ones) and parents of the mentioned foreign citizens.
Documents to be presented as stipulated by this decree:
- For the persons recognized in subsection (a) of this decree:
- Submit an application for admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation in the established form to any territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of your choice.
- Submit, together with the application for admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation, the following documents containing the applicant's personal data and copies thereof. (All documents must be duly translated into the Russian language and certified before a notary)
- Document proving identity and citizenship
- Document indicating a change of surname, first name or patronymic (in case of change of surname, first name or patronymic).
- Contract for military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or military formations, concluded for a period of at least one year.
If a child is included in the application for admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation, submit:
- Birth certificate of the child or other document confirming the fact of the child's birth and the degree of relationship with the applicant.
- C ertificate of adoption of a child or other document that proves the degree of relationship between the child and the applicant, in the case of adoption of a child.
- Foreign citizens mentioned in section “b” :
- Application for admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation in the form given in the annex to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or place of stay in the Russian Federation, and in the absence of registration at the place of residence or place of stay, at the place of actual residence in the Federations of the Russian Federation.
- Documents provided for in paragraph 2 of this Decree, an extract from the order of dismissal from military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or military formations.
In all the cases described above, it is also important to present:
- Document that proves the degree of kinship with the foreign citizen mentioned in subsections “a” or “b” of paragraph 1 of this Decree (marriage document, certificate of adoption of children or other document)
- Certificate of absence of disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection). The certificate is not submitted by foreign citizens mentioned in paragraph 3 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of March 30, 1995 No. 38-FZ "On the prevention of the spread in the Russian Federation of the disease caused by the virus of human immunodeficiency (HIV infection)", as well as foreign citizens who have a temporary residence permit, temporary residence permit for educational purposes, residence permit, refugee certificate, temporary asylum certificate in the territory of the Russian Federation.
- Medical documents proving the absence of consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a medical prescription or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances, as well as infectious diseases that represent a danger to others, provided for in the list approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Such documents are not submitted by foreign citizens who have a temporary residence permit, a temporary residence permit for educational purposes, a residence permit, a refugee certificate, a certificate of temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation.
- Document confirming the right to stay (residence) in the Russian Federation (migration card, temporary residence permit, temporary residence permit for educational purposes, residence permit, refugee certificate, certificate of temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation), or a certificate of a participant in the state program to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2006 No. 637 (if such documents are available).
- copy of the contract for military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or military formations, concluded by a foreign citizen mentioned in subparagraph "a" of paragraph 1 of this Decree, for a period of at least one year, or an extract from the order of dismissal with military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or military formations of a foreign citizen mentioned in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 1 of this Decree.
In general terms, these are the issues that from a legal and procedural point of view support this presidential decree as well as the documents that are needed to submit the application through it. For a better analysis of the decree and the document models that must be filled out, you can refer directly to the document in question.
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