Urgent translation and notarization on weekends!
Country-Specific Services: Italy Spain CIS
Искусственный интеллект в юриспруденции
Artificial Intelligence in the World of Law
The use of artificial intelligence will have its imprint in the legal field as well. It would be just as fair to ponder how AI might benefit the legal profession. However, that of course begs the question – will the legal profession disappear?
Приостановление исполнительного производства
Suspending Writ Proceedings
If you find yourself in a similar situation or you've encountered issues with writing up motions to suspend proceedings, get in touch with Word & Law.
Замена ненадлежащего ответчика
Replacing an improper defendant
As a general rule, the sides of a court hearing, whether the proceedings are taking place in a general jurisdiction court or in an arbitrage court, are the plaintiff and the defendant.
Заочное решение суда
Ex Parte Court Rulings
A court gains the option to make an ex parte ruling in the event that the plaintiff, despite having been duly informed of the time and location of the court hearing, fails to appear for the process without informing the court of respectable reasons for doing so and doesn’t request the case to be examined in his absence.
Семья и законы в России и Китае
Family and Laws in Russia and China
If you've encountered a situation in which your marriage is on the verge of collapse, allow us to be your dependable partner on the path to the new chapter of your life.
Легализация личных и коммерческих документов из России для Египта
Certifying Personal and Commercial Russian Documents for Egypt
Egypt is not among the group of countries party to the Hague Convention of 1961 signed to simplify document certification procedure, so there’s no reason to apostille Russian documents intended for use in that country.
Развод с иностранцем
Filing for Divorce with Foreign Nationals
If you are currently abroad, do not entrust your court case to a relative or close one (neighbor, friend, or colleague) who don’t know the first thing about the law. You are much better off entrusting your case to professional lawyers.
О неправосудных судебных актах
Unlawful Court Acts
The main objective that a court representative has is convincing the court that their client is right. The proper combination of a well-founded legal stance with convincing evidence as well as a prepared speech at the court hearing are the ingredients for a successful case outcome.
Акты органов опеки и попечительства в спорах связанных с воспитанием детей
Child Protective Services Acts in Child Custody Disputes
In court child custody disputes, child protective services are required to get involved and participate in the case.
AIRE: что это значит
What is AIRE?
AIRE is short for “Anagrafe Italiani Residenti all’Estero,” in other words – the Register of Italians Living Abroad for over 12 months.
Расторжение брака онлайн пошаговая инструкция
Marriage Dissolution Online
Divorce can be a difficult and emotionally draining process, but with the development of digital technologies in Russia, an opportunity has now surfaced to simplify this procedure. Let’s take a look at how that can be done.
Получение сведений об обязательном страховании гражданской ответственности владельца транспортного средства по договору обязательного страхования
Requesting Information on Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance for Vehicle Owners under Compulsory Insurance
We can help you obtain any document that can possibly be achieved via a power of attorney.
Легализация документов выданных в Абхазии
Certification of Documents Issued in Abkhazia
The predicament in certifying Abkhazian documents is that the Republic of Abkhazia was declared an independent republic by the Supreme Council of Abkhazia on November 26, 1994; however, the country's independence has been recognized by only a few countries: a total of just 6 to be precise!
Справка о составе семьи для Италии
Family Composition Certificate for Italy
A family composition certificate is a document that is most commonly requested by students undergoing education in Italy to apply for a DSU (Diritto allo Studio Universitario) scholarship.
Консульская легализация документов для Чили в 2024 году
Consular Document Certification for Chile in 2024
Yes, that’s correct. We’re not mistaken! We’re talking about consular certification, not apostille stamping!
Легализация российских документов для Малайзии
Russian Document Certification for Malaysia
In order for Russian documents to acquire legal force on the territory of Malaysia, the full consular certification procedure must be completed.
Австрия и Австралия: проставление штампа «Апостиль» в консульстве: возможно ли?
Austria and Australia: Can You Have an Apostille Stamped on Your Documents at a Consulate?
If you've dealt with having documents certified for another country before, in particular getting an apostille stamped on them, you are already aware that an apostille is stamped in the document's country of origin and that consulates/embassies aren't endowed with these powers.
Документы для открытия представительства российской компании в Италии
Documents for Opening Representative Offices of Russian Companies in Italy
We help with preparation of notarial copies, provide apostilles, perform translations into Italian (we have two translators accredited by the Italian Consulate in Moscow working on our in-house team), and get them certified at the Consulate.