Urgent translation and notarization on weekends!
Country-Specific Services: Italy Spain CIS
Письменный перевод с итальянского и на итальянский язык
Written translation from Italian and into Italian
All Russian documents must be translated into Italian for individuals to be able to use them on the territory of Italy. We have a wealth of experience translating the greatest variety of documents – from one-page type documents of any nature (passports, diplomas, their attachments, certificates, statements, attestations, etc.) to complex technical texts as well as, of course, legal texts (contracts, agreements, acts, memorandums, records, founding documents of companies, etc.). 
Апостиль на оригиналы документов для Италии и их нотариальные копии
Apostilles for original documents and notarized copies in Italy
All official Russian documents that you are going to need in Italy are required to be apostilled. It would be a wise decision to have your documents apostilled before you leave Russia, in which case you will not have to send your documents to the city where they are able to be apostilled.
Аккредитованный переводчик Консульства Италии в Москве
Accredited translator to the Embassy of Italy in Moscow!
Since 11 April 2016, the General Consulate of Italy in Moscow has changed its requirements to the translation of documents: translations are now accepted from accredited translators only. At first sight, the rules became more rigid but when you get down to it, engaging an accredited professional translator only simplifies the processing of Russian documents for Italy.
Услуги истребованию и подготовке российских документов для Испании
Services for the recovery and preparation of Russian documents for Spain
In close collaboration with the Spanish Embassy in Moscow, we specialize in providing as full a range of services as possible, pertaining to the claim and preparation of Russian documents for their subsequent use on the territory of Spain.
Услуги по истребованию и подготовке российских документов для Италии
Services for the recovery and preparation of Russian documents for Italy
We provide a full spectrum of services in the claiming and preparation of Russian documents for their extended use on the territory of Italy. If you happen to be planning to move, study, or working in Italy, don’t forget to prepare all the documents you are going to need beforehand. 
Все способы иммиграции в Италию
All modes of immigration to Italy
Everyone who thought about immigration to Italy for permanent residence tries first to find some information about any modes of such immigration.
Юридические и переводческие услуги по странам СНГ (бывший СССР)
Legal and translation services in the CIS (former USSR)
We will help you obtain and certify documents in any country of the former Soviet Union!
Продление срока аккредитации представительства или филиала иностранной компании
Extension of the accreditation period for a representative office or branch of a foreign company
Branches and representative offices of foreign companies are opened for a certain period - automatically it is not renewed, and in order for the company to continue its activities in the territory of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to apply for renewal for 10 days before the end of the accreditation period.
Письменные переводы на китайский язык и услуги по легализации документов
Translations into Chinese and Legalization Services
Nowadays there is an increase in the popularity of the Chinese language as Chinese economy grows. Chinese is the official language of China, Taiwan and Singapore, and also one of six working languages of the UN. Chinese is spoken by more than 1,300 bln people worldwide.
Письменные переводы на греческий язык
Translations into Greek
The total number of people who speak the Greek language is currently more than 13 mln. In addition to Greece itself, Greek is also an official language in Cyprus. Moreover, Greek is a language of inter-ethnic communication in Bulgaria, Albania and Romania, without any official status.
Письменные переводы на французский язык
Translations into French
French enjoys official language or local official language status in more than 30 countries of the world, including Canada, African and Caribbean countries. The international importance of the French language is emphasized by the fact that French is considered to be the main official language in the European Union.
Письменные переводы на немецкий язык
Translations into German
The German language has an official language status in such countries as the Federal Republic of Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg. The number of people worldwide who speak German is currently more than 100 mln.
Письменные переводы на арабский язык
Translations into Arabic
The number of people in the world who speak Arabic is more than 400 mln. Arabic is the second most widely spoken language worldwide, after Chinese.
Письменные и устные переводы на венгерский язык
Translation and Interpretation into Hungarian
Not all translation companies render services in translating and interpreting into the Hungarian language. This is primarily due to the fact that Hungarian is quite a rare language but, in addition to Hungary itself, it is also spread in Serbia, Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine, Austria and the Czech Republic.
Верстка графических объектов в тексте перевода
Graphic object
With an aim to provide convenient, complete, and satisfying service to our customers, we provide “graphic object proofing” on top of our other regular services that we provide. This service entails replacing a text in a document containing graphic images to a translated version of it while retaining its original formatting. This service is most often required when translating documents containing graphic contents.
Полная вёрстка документов
Full layout of documents
With an aim to provide convenient, complete, and satisfying service to our customers, we provide “complete proofing” on top of our other regular services that we provide. This service entails processing a translation of the document the same way the original was. This service is primarily called for when translating printed publications, schemes, drafts, labels, and other graphic documents.
Нострификация дипломов и документов
Nostrification of diplomas and documents
Anyone who has received an education abroad and intends to continue their career or education in Russia sooner or later runs into the issue of having to confirm the education they have received. This applies, by the way, to any foreign education received, whether its a university degree, a professional degree, or simply a high school diploma. This procedure is known as nostrification.
Удостоверение верности перевода в посольстве Испании Москве
Certification of the correctness of translations in the Spanish consulate
Translations in Russian are normally certified in a notary, however there are some governments that have specific requirements for submitting translations. One of those countries happens to be SPAIN.