Urgent translation and notarization on weekends!
Country-Specific Services: Italy Spain CIS
Подготовка документов для Чили
Document preparation for Chile
So you've decided to move to Chile for the foreseeable future to get a taste of the country (good news: there is quite a variety of nature there, the history is fascinating, and the cuisine will absolutely drive you wild).
Легализация документов для Перу
Certifying documents for Peru
Peru is a remarkable country. Everyone knows about the lost city of Machu Pichu, the Nazca Dessert and its mysterious drawings, the Amazon rainforest, ayahuasca, the long shoreline, the wonderful capital Lima, the high-mountain city of Cusco, and the 12-angle stone laid by the Inca some 700 years ago...The list goes on and on.
Легализация российских документов для Филиппин
Certification of Russian Documents for the Philippines
Previously, both personal and commercial documents from Russia had to be subject to full consular certification procedure for the Philippines.
Оформление документов в консульстве Италии
Processing documents at the Italian consulate
In the process of certifying the correctness of translations at the General Consulate of Italy, the question frequently arises – “Should the translation be attached to a copy of the document that the consulate will be certifying or the original document?” In the first case, the consulate charges 10 euros per page of the copy and 13 euros per page of translation. In the second case, it charges 13 euros per each translated page it certifies.
Процедура признания иностранного образования (нострификация)
Procedure for recognition of foreign education (nostrification)
Nostrification is only done in Moscow in the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
Юридические и переводческие услуги в Узбекистане
Legal and translation services in Uzbekistan
We offer legal and translation services in Uzbekistan.
Юридические и переводческие услуги в Киргизии (Кыргызстане)
Legal and translation services in Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan)
We offer legal and translation services in Kyrgyzstan.
Юридические и переводческие услуги в Казахстане
Legal and translation services in Kazakhstan
 We offer legal and translation services in Kazakhstan.
Юридические услуги и услуги переводчика в Беларуси
Legal services and translation services in Belarus
We offer legal and translation services in Belarus.
Удостоверение переводов на испанский язык для банков Испании
Certification of translations into Spanish for Spanish Banks
In most cases, when ordering the certification of translations with the Spanish Embassy in Moscow, people submit to us a large document package for any Spanish bank. As a rule, this is related to the sale of any estate in Spain.
Удостоверение верности переводов в консульстве Испании в Москве
Attestment of the correctness of translations in the Spanish consulate in Moscow
Spain is one of those countries, where, as a rule, documents are not accepted for examination if their translations are already attested by Russian notaries.  
Письменный перевод на испанский язык и перевод с испанского языка
Translation from Spanish into Russian and from Russian into Spanish
The professionalism and qualifications of our editors and translators, some of whom who are native Spanish speakers, guarantee the magnificent quality of the written translations we perform. With the extensive amount of experience we have working with the Spanish Embassy, translations into Spanish are completed in accordance with all of the currently established requirements and standards.
Апостиль на оригиналы документов и их нотариальные копии в Испании
Apostilles for original documents and notarized copies
Practically all Russian documents that you are going to need in Spain are required to receive an “apostille” stamp. It would be wise for you make sure you have apostilles on all of your documents before you leave Russia to avoid the hassle of having to send your documents to the city where they are able to be apostilled.
Омологация диплома в Испании
Diploma homologation in Spain
If you have already had secondary technical or higher education in Russian and would like to have your diploma recognized in Spain, you are going to have to undergo the legalization procedure for education documents.
Внесение записи (траскриционе) о рождении в итальянские реестры о рождении
Birth Record (Trascrizione) in Italian Birth Registry
A child born both to Russian and Italian citizens may acquire two citizenships, Russian and Italian. If a child is born in Russia, it would make sense first to acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation.
Codice fiscale или итальянский налоговый номер
Codice fiscale or Italian fiscal number
After a foreigner obtains a residence permit (permesso di soggiorno issued for a specified period) or permanent residency (carta di soggiorno without a date of expiry) in Italy, he/she should apply to the Revenue Agency of the Italian Ministry of Finance for fiscal number.
Удостоверение верности копии оригиналу документов в консульстве Италии в Москве
Attestation of the correctness of copies for the originals documents in the Italian consulate in Moscow
Attestation of the correctness of copies for original documents in the Italian consulate is, as a rule, a concurrent procedure with the attestation of the correctness of a translation.
Удостоверение верности переводов в консульстве Италии в Москве
Attestation of the correctness of translations in the Italian consulate in Moscow
Translation from Russian into Italian of the text of a standard one-page document (1,800 symbols including spaces) will take 1-2 business days and will cost 800 RUR.