Urgent translation and notarization on weekends!
Country-Specific Services: Italy Spain CIS
Единый реестр воинского учета
The Unified Military Register
As of the moment that summonses are published on the register, drafted citizens will be prohibited from exiting the borders of the Russian Federation.
Оформление вида на жительство в РФ для отличников
Processing Russian Federation permanent resident cards for honor students
One of the new grounds for foreign nationals to obtain a Russian Federation permanent residence card is having an honors degree from a Russian college, in other words, the foreigner has graduated a college with distinction.
Оформление гражданства РФ участникам Специальной военной операции  и членам их семей
Processing Russian Federation Citizenship for Participants of the Special Military Operation and their Family Members
Our company lawyers have extensive experience consulting and accommodating family members of SMO participants.
Документация медицинской организации
Medical Organization Documentation
Don't wait until a patient has filed a complaint against you. Order a document inspection on the Word & Law company website.
Требования к оформлению сайта медицинской клиники
Medical clinic website publishing requirements
To avoid negative consequences for improperly publishing information on a clinic website, get in touch with Word & Law to have an audit of your website performed.
Легализация документов для Южной Кореи
Document Legalization for South Korea
In order for documents issued in one country to be recognized as valid in another country, they first have to be legalized.
Варианты миграции для кубинских граждан в Россию
Russia visitation rules for citizens of Cuba
Cuban citizens are able to visit the Russian Federation without a visa for a period of up to 90 days.
Замена водительского удостоверения с иностранного на российское на практике
Swapping Your Foreign Driver's License 11 Questions for Our Lawyer
Until which date will foreigners be able to drive using their driver's licenses from their home countries? Or, in other words, how long do foreigners have to exchange their foreign driver's licenses for a Russian one?
Смена руководителя ООО в 2024 году
Changing an LLC's Executive
What does one do in the aforementioned situations? What documents must one submit and to which office? How does one get in touch with a missing executive and is that even necessary? Our company's professional lawyers will help you get to the bottom of all of these issues. They will consult you, accommodate you, and help resolve even the messiest situations related to effecting a change of company executive.
Варианты смены адреса компании
Options for a Company’s Change of Address
Our lawyers will help you get to the bottom of all the aforementioned issues and consult you, accommodate you, and resolve the messiest situations related to changing a company address.
Доказательства в суде и особенности их предъявления
Court Evidence and Important Things to Know about Introducing It
Any court process requires each of the parties introduce evidence as the basis for their claims or objections.
Легализация документов для Монако
Document Legalization for Monaco
You can always order preparation of your documents from us for any country in the world. Still have questions? Write us or give us a call. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have!
Особенности обжалования решения суда общей юрисдикции по гражданским спорам
Intricacies of Appealing General Jurisdiction Court Rulings on Civil Cases
Are you in need of professional legal assistance? Give us a call or write us a message today!
ТОП-10 вопросов юристу про воинскую обязанность в 2024 году
10 Lawyer Questions Concerning Military Duty in 2024
However, if you get hired to any other job, the employer does not have the right to refuse to hire you on grounds that you don't hold a military card.
Как усыновленному иностранцу получить сведения о биологических родителях из России
How Does an Adopted Foreigner Acquire Information on Their Biological Russian Parents
For various reasons, children who've grown up to become adults start to develop a curiosity about their origins. Some want to meet their biological parents and relatives while others want to find out whether they are genetically prone to particular diseases.
Легализация российских коммерческих документов для Султаната Оман
Certifying Russian Commercial Documents for the Sultanate of Oman
Oman is among the countries party to the Hague Convention of 1961 struck for the purpose of simplifying document certification procedure. For that reason, Russian documents intended for use in the country require an Apostille stamp.
Признание и исполнение решений иностранных судов
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Court Rulings
Still have questions? Get in touch with us and receive the qualified help of Word & Law Company's lawyers.
Декларация эквиполленцы (признание иностранных образовательных документов на территории Итальянской Республики)
Getting foreign education documents recognized on the territory of the Republic of Italy
Foreign education documents in and of themselves do not wield any legal force in Italy. In the case that the necessity arises to use such documents on the territory of the Republic of Italy, you will have to engage in the procedure of having their conformity to established Italian education standards recognized.