Country-Specific Services: Italy Spain CIS
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Welcome to the "Pravo I Slovo" website»!

We provide legal, accounting, and translation services. We assert the interests of our clients in the arbitration courts and general jurisdiction courts of Moscow and the Moscow Oblast.

One of the areas we specialize in is resolving legal issues in Italy for Russians as well as for Italians in Russia. We have two in-house translators accredited by the Italian Consulate in Moscow working on our team. We are experts in the field of legalizing documents, we perform translations into foreign languages, and we specialize in resolving legal issues that our corporate clients are faced with.

Get in touch with us. We are true professionals in the services we offer!

Our company CEO
Anastasia Starovoitova-Ince
is a lawyer certified by the Italian Consulate, a court attorney, and mediator
Pravo i Slovo
Welcome to the "Pravo I Slovo" website»!

We provide legal, accounting, and translation services. We assert the interests of our clients in the arbitration courts and general jurisdiction courts of Moscow and the Moscow Oblast.

One of the areas we specialize in is resolving legal issues in Italy for Russians as well as for Italians in Russia. We have two in-house translators accredited by the Italian Consulate in Moscow working on our team. We are experts in the field of legalizing documents, we perform translations into foreign languages, and we specialize in resolving legal issues that our corporate clients are faced with.

Get in touch with us. We are true professionals in the services we offer!

Our company CEO
Anastasia Starovoitova-Ince
is a lawyer certified by the Italian Consulate, a court attorney, and mediator
Pravo i Slovo
Welcome to the "Pravo I Slovo" website»!

We provide legal, accounting, and translation services. We assert the interests of our clients in the arbitration courts and general jurisdiction courts of Moscow and the Moscow Oblast.

One of the areas we specialize in is resolving legal issues in Italy for Russians as well as for Italians in Russia. We have two in-house translators accredited by the Italian Consulate in Moscow working on our team. We are experts in the field of legalizing documents, we perform translations into foreign languages, and we specialize in resolving legal issues that our corporate clients are faced with.

Get in touch with us. We are true professionals in the services we offer!

Our company CEO
Anastasia Starovoitova-Ince
is a lawyer certified by the Italian Consulate, a court attorney, and mediator
Pravo i Slovo
Pravo I Slovo assisted me with getting my marriage certificate from Moscow to Ireland, a task which isn't straightforward in the current climate. I was helped by Roman Orlov who I cannot commend enough for his professionalism, advice, and excellent communication. Based on this experience I would happily recommend Pravo I Slovo. 
Davide pasti
I had a very god experience. Pravo and Slovo hekped me to win my case and to achieve my goal. Communication was great, and they helped me witb all my requests and clarified the things that were not clear to me. I totaly reccomend this studio of lawyers.

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