Tax Office Certificates
“How do I obtain a tax clearance certificate while I’m away on a trip?”
You will be happy to learn that this task can be taken care of via a power of attorney. On top of that, a change in your first or last name (even on repeated occasions) won't in any way impact your ability to obtain this type of tax certificate.
The following are services that a lawyer can provide to you in this situation:
- writeup of a project power of attorney (for dealings with a foreign notary or a Consulate of the Russian Federation);
- preparing and submitting applications with the necessary attachments to a tax office;
- obtaining a tax clearance certificate or a refusal if there is an amount due discovered.
On top of that, taking into account that payments cannot be completely to the state budget from foreign accounts, we can help clear that issue up for you as well.
Do you need to obtain a tax office certificate in Russia or any other type of document? Get in touch with us. We're always happy to help!
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