Diploma homologation in Spain
If you have already had secondary technical or higher education in Russian and would like to have your diploma recognized in Spain, you are going to have to undergo the legalization procedure for education documents.
In Spain, the procedure for recognizing education received on another country’s territory takes quite a long time and often entails the requirement for additional exams to be taken.
- Homologation (homologación) denotes the official recognition of educational documents from secondary and higher education received beyond Spanish borders.
Homologation is performed by the Department of Education of Spain based on request of the interested person. The official time period for the examination of the request takes approximately 6 months. Often times, however, the given procedure may extend all the way out to 1-2 years. The decision they issue might be positive or negative. A positive decision regarding a diploma’s recognition might require that you also take additional exams in Spanish.
Thus, after examining a homologation request, the Spanish authority will make one of three decisions regarding your diploma:
- the diploma is recognized as corresponding to the title or specialization you have claimed;
- refusal to recognize its correspondence;
- you will be offered a choice: to have a lower title recognized or to take additional exams in the subjects, in which, according to the Council’s opinion, you are lacking points (credits) in comparison with the Spanish title or specialization that you are claiming to have recognized. The exams will have to be taken in the course of two years after such a decision is issued.
On top of that, the authority conducting your homologation may require you to also provide additional documents deemed necessary in order to confirm the equivalency of the foreign education received with the Spanish diploma being claimed, including the list of the classes indicated in the diploma and what they contained.
After receiving a positive decision for you homologation will issue the corresponding certificate. If you are required to take exams on subjects that the Department deems inadequate to constitute full correspondence to Spanish higher education in the given specialization, then you will have to choose a university in Spain where you will take the exams.
One very essential factor in all of this is ensuring correct and proper translation of your education documents. This will make the homologation process of your education in Spain easier.
- We maintain a close collaboration with the Spanish Embassy in Moscow and because of this, we are able to offer our customers professional translation from Russian into Spanish in accordance with all of the Embassy’s requirements and on top of that – assistance in the attestation of the correctness of a translation in the Spanish Embassy in Moscow, performed by highly qualified Spanish translators who are native speakers.
For you to complete the procedures for recognizing education documents, there is no necessity for you to come in and present your intentions to the Spanish Embassy personally. We are willing to take the burden for completing all necessary procedures on ourselves.
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