Urgent translation and notarization on weekends!
Country-Specific Services: Italy Spain CIS
Особенности обжалования решения суда общей юрисдикции по гражданским спорам
Intricacies of Appealing General Jurisdiction Court Rulings on Civil Cases
Are you in need of professional legal assistance? Give us a call or write us a message today!
Кто может представлять интересы граждан и организаций в российских судах
Who Is Allowed to Represent Citizens’ and Organizations’ Interests in Russian Courts?
Our lawyers are ready to assist you in handling disputes in general jurisdiction courts and commercial courts.
Расписка об отсутствии претензий при ДТП
No Claims Certificates Following Traffic Accidents
Of course, a certificate cannot substitute the required involvement of a state highway patrol policeman and submission of a claim to an insurance company in the event that a traffic accident involving victims or significant material losses occurs.
Апостиль для Германии
Apostilles in Germany
Russia and Germany are party to the Hague Convention which annuls the requirement for full consular certification. This convention simplifies the document legalization procedure by way of enabling an “apostille” to be stamped on documents (this procedure is also referred to as “simplified legalization”).
Апостиль для Австрии
Apostilles for Austria
Austria ratified the Hague Convention of 1961 to simplify document certification procedure by way of the Apostille stamp on November 14, 1967. Then, by January 13, 1968, the Convention already entered into effect on the territory of Austria.
ТОП-10 вопросов юристу про воинскую обязанность в 2024 году
10 Lawyer Questions Concerning Military Duty in 2024
However, if you get hired to any other job, the employer does not have the right to refuse to hire you on grounds that you don't hold a military card.
Легализация документов для Великобритании
Document Certification for Great Britain
For over 15 years, we have served clients living all over the world collect and legalize their documents in Russia and CIS states. Get in touch with us today. We will always be happy to help!
Подготовка российских документов для Азербайджана
Preparing Russian Documents for Azerbaijan
For over 15 years, Word & Law Company has dealt in preparing all sorts of Russian documents for an extensive list of countries. We provide a full service package: obtaining documents, getting apostilles stamps, and performing translation into Azerbaijani. Give us a call or send us a message today!
Внесение денег на специальный счет за проведение экспертизы
Depositing Funds onto a Special Account for Court Expertise
Are you looking for a lawyer? Word & Law Company is happy to provide assistance and legal support in court disputes.
Маркировка рекламы у блогеров
Advertising with Bloggers
If you have any questions on the process for labeling an ad or you find yourself needing to write up an ad publishing agreement, get in touch with us. We’ll help you out with everything you need and answer all the questions you may have!
Практика снятия с воинского учета  в связи с выездом за пределы РФ на срок более 6-и месяцев
The Practice of Removal from Military Registration on Grounds of Having Spent over 6 Months outside the Russian Federation
Since mobilization is not currently taking place, we recommend visiting the military office (before leaving the country) to be removed from military registration. In the case that one fails to inform the draft office that one is going to move abroad, the citizen will be subjected to an administrative fine in the amount of 1,000 to 5,000 roubles.
Как усыновленному иностранцу получить сведения о биологических родителях из России
How Does an Adopted Foreigner Acquire Information on Their Biological Russian Parents
For various reasons, children who've grown up to become adults start to develop a curiosity about their origins. Some want to meet their biological parents and relatives while others want to find out whether they are genetically prone to particular diseases.
Апостиль для КНР
Apostilles for the PRC
Always be sure to ask the host party how exactly your documents need to be processed (whether they must contain an apostille, whether they must come with a notarized translation, or whether they have any other particular requirements for the documents).
Легализация российских коммерческих документов для Султаната Оман
Certifying Russian Commercial Documents for the Sultanate of Oman
Oman is among the countries party to the Hague Convention of 1961 struck for the purpose of simplifying document certification procedure. For that reason, Russian documents intended for use in the country require an Apostille stamp.
Признание и исполнение решений иностранных судов
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Court Rulings
Still have questions? Get in touch with us and receive the qualified help of Word & Law Company's lawyers.
Декларация эквиполленцы (признание иностранных образовательных документов на территории Итальянской Республики)
Getting foreign education documents recognized on the territory of the Republic of Italy
Foreign education documents in and of themselves do not wield any legal force in Italy. In the case that the necessity arises to use such documents on the territory of the Republic of Italy, you will have to engage in the procedure of having their conformity to established Italian education standards recognized.
Как подготовиться к судебному заседанию
Preparing for Court Hearings
Need a lawyer to prepare your lawsuit? Have you already received a summons? Get in touch with us today to professionally handle your dispute for you!
Что нужно, чтобы заключить новый брак в Российской Федерации, если предыдущий брак был заключен в России, а расторгнут за границей
How does one go entering into a new marriage in the Russian Federation if a previous marriage took place in Russia but a divorce was subsequently filed abroad?
Still have questions or need to translate a marriage certificate? Get in touch with us today!