Urgent translation and notarization on weekends!
Country-Specific Services: Italy Spain CIS
Легализация документов для Южной Кореи
Document Legalization for South Korea
In order for documents issued in one country to be recognized as valid in another country, they first have to be legalized.
Австрия и Австралия: проставление штампа «Апостиль» в консульстве: возможно ли?
Austria and Australia: Can You Have an Apostille Stamped on Your Documents at a Consulate?
If you've dealt with having documents certified for another country before, in particular getting an apostille stamped on them, you are already aware that an apostille is stamped in the document's country of origin and that consulates/embassies aren't endowed with these powers.
Легализация российских документов для Ливии
Russian Document Certification for Libya
Libya is not among the list of countries party to the Hague Convention of 1961 drafted to simplify document certification procedure. In this article, we will be breaking down the method of certifying personal and commercial documents for the country.
Консульская легализация российских документов для Эфиопии
Consular Certification of Russian Documents for Ethiopia
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is not part the list of countries party to the Hague Convention. Therefore, documents intended for use in Ethiopia will require full consular certification.
Получение справки о несудимости и проставление штампа «Апостиль» в США
Obtaining a Police Record and an Apostille Stamp in USA
After the record is issued, it will need an apostille to be stamped on it. That is done at the Department of Justice of USA and is done over the course of 90 calendar days.
Легализация российских документов для Венгрии
Certification of Russian Documents for Hungary
A well-known fact is that Hungary is among the countries party to the Hague Convention since 1961 to simplify the procedure for certifying documents. So, documents issued in Russia must have an “Apostille” stamped on them.
Получение и легализация документов в Узбекистане
Obtaining and Certifying Documents in Uzbekistan
In Uzbekistan, just like in Russia, there are several government authorities with the ability to stamp Apostille on documents.
Подготовка документов для Чили
Document preparation for Chile
So you've decided to move to Chile for the foreseeable future to get a taste of the country (good news: there is quite a variety of nature there, the history is fascinating, and the cuisine will absolutely drive you wild).
Юридические и переводческие услуги в Киргизии (Кыргызстане)
Legal and translation services in Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan)
We offer legal and translation services in Kyrgyzstan.
Апостиль на оригиналы документов и их нотариальные копии в Испании
Apostilles for original documents and notarized copies
Practically all Russian documents that you are going to need in Spain are required to receive an “apostille” stamp. It would be wise for you make sure you have apostilles on all of your documents before you leave Russia to avoid the hassle of having to send your documents to the city where they are able to be apostilled.
Dichiarazione di valore in loco образовательных документов в консульстве Италии в Москве
Dichiarazione di valore in loco of education documents in the Italian consulate in Moscow
Italy is the only country we know of, for which Russian education documents must be obligatorily subject to a certain special procedure known as dichiarazione di valore (the phrase may be abbreviated as DDV).
Апостиль на оригиналы документов для Италии и их нотариальные копии
Apostilles for original documents and notarized copies in Italy
All official Russian documents that you are going to need in Italy are required to be apostilled. It would be a wise decision to have your documents apostilled before you leave Russia, in which case you will not have to send your documents to the city where they are able to be apostilled.
Услуги истребованию и подготовке российских документов для Испании
Services for the recovery and preparation of Russian documents for Spain
In close collaboration with the Spanish Embassy in Moscow, we specialize in providing as full a range of services as possible, pertaining to the claim and preparation of Russian documents for their subsequent use on the territory of Spain.
Dichiarazione di valore для Италии
Dichiarazione di valore for Italy
Italy is the only country we know of, for which Russian education documents must be obligatorily subject to a certain special procedure known as dichiarazione di valore.
Легализация дипломов категории ДИС, ДИМ, ДИБ, ДИ
Certifying DIS, DIM, DIB, and DI category diplomas
Starting February 11, 2003 in accordance with Order No. 470 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, students were issued special series of diplomas:
Апостиль на "нестандартные" документы
Apostilles for other documents
In rare cases, the Apostille stamp is to be placed on the originals of other documents, such as those issued by court authorities of the Russian Federation, the Federal Registration Service of the Russian Federation, or the authorities of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. In order to guarantee that you receive an Apostille stamp on a document such as these, you will be required to obtain consent from the government authority, which will take 1 to 2 business days. 
Апостиль документов - что это такое
These days just about everybody runs into a situation where they have to certify documents in order to complete a particular task that they're looking to do in another country, whether that be for a short-term leave, education, work, moving to live in a new residence in another country permanently, etc.