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Depending on the needs of the legal entity, Word & Law (Pravo i Slovo) Company provides the necessary consultations and recommendations on general or special topics in commercial activities.

In preparing recommendations and consultations on specific issues, we place heavy importance on acts from judicial practice:

  • decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;
  • explanations on issues of the applicability of the laws of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Plenum of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, required not only for courts but also other organs and officials applying the normative act for which an explanation has been given;
  • overviews of court practice which essentially contain recommendations for courts and other organs;
  • published general jurisdiction court and arbitration court rulings, institutional arbitral procedures on specific cases that in practice often serve as a template for resolving similar cases.

Of course, we take all reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the information we receive from our clients.

Word & Law (Pravo i Slovo) Company provides legal entity consultations on the following main issues:

  • the working capacity of the legal entity (government registration, licensing, accreditation, etc.);
  • the founding documents, organs (general meeting and executive authorities), and legal entity internal documents, liability, reorganization, dissolution, insolvency (bankruptcy);
  • increasing or decreasing reserve capital;
  • rights and obligations of the members of an economic partnership or business entity;
  • transformation of economic partnerships and business entities;
  • state registration of real estate;
  • state registration of trademarks;
  • securities;
  • protecting the legal entity's business reputation;
  • protecting ownership rights and other material rights;
  • fulfilling obligations, liability for breach of obligations, and termination of obligations;
  • invalidity of transactions;
  • employment law;
  • bank accounts and cashless transfers;
  • special questions regarding individual areas of economic activities;
  • investment activities;
  • monopoly activity and unscrupulous competition.

We also consult clients on other commercial activities issues, including in light of their novelty and complexity.

Legal Consulting

Prices and Timelines

Service Title Cost, RUB Timetable
Реорганизация юридических лиц (слияние, присоединение, преобразование и т.д.)
от 6 месяцев
Консультация по ведению коммерческой деятельности в РФ
1 час

Questions for a lawyer

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