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If over the course of examining a case in court, it becomes clear that special knowledge is going to be required for a case to be resolved, court expertise is consequently appointed. Court expertise is provided on a paid service and the expenses to cover it are borne by either one or both of the parties.

Previously, judges in general jurisdiction courts didn't require money to be deposited for conducting court expertise onto a special account. Court expertise expenses were paid in two ways: an expert organization would post a bill for the expertise and conduct it after it was paid or it would send out a bill for the court expertise along with the materials of the case after it was completed.

Now the situation has changed: courts now require the money be paid for conducting a court expertise before a motion to have one performed is able to be examined. The person motioning for the court expertise to be conducted must choose an expert candidate or expert organization and have them confirm that they're able to conduct the expertise along with the amount the expertise will cost. Then this amount must be transferred onto a special account. The amount is deposited onto the account of the territorial administration of the court department of the federation subject in which the court is located.

The receipt for the court deposit must be attached to the motion to have a court expertise conducted. If the court denies the court expertise, the money is returned back from the special account at the party's request.

Are you looking for a lawyer? Word & Law Company is happy to provide assistance and legal support in court disputes.

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