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Sometimes a person or a company acquires ownership of a property that lacks an incomplete address, for instance the building may not be numbered.

The authority in charge of assigning addresses in the Moscow city limits is the Department of Urban Property.

There are two ways to contact the authority to apply to have an address assigned for a property.

Method 1: via the official Federal Information Address System (FIAS) website  fias.nalog.ru. A document proving ownership of the property will be required to enter the information. The application can be submitted by the owner or a proxy. Furthermore, submitting an application via the FIAS requires the use of an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

Method 2: submitting an application for address assignment via the Moscow gosuslug (government services) portal – mos.ru. Getting the address information entered will require the same documents as in the case of submitting via the official FIAS website, but in this case, an enhanced qualified electronic signature is not required.

The wait period for reviewing the application and assigning an address to the property takes 6 business days. 

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How to Get an Address Assigned for a Property in Moscow

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