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The government of the Russian Federation has passed Resolution #506 on 4/19/2024, which states that as of November 1, 2024, a military register will begin operation as well as a summons register.

The military register will contain a maximum amount of information on citizens bound to military service which various government agencies will provide it.

Some of the information the military register will contain will include:

  1. the citizen's registration at their place of residence;
  2. their actual residential address;
  3. their marital status;
  4. their workplace, educational institution, and whether they have a degree;
  5. whether they have a clean police record;
  6. whether they have crossed the state border of the Russian Federation;
  7. whether they own any real estate or transportation vehicles;
  8. their health condition.

When the register begins operation, summonses will be sent out to citizens bound to service both in paper and electronic form. Summons will be deemed delivered at the moment that they are published on the Gosuslugi (State Services) portal.

REMEMBER! As of the moment that summonses are published on the register, drafted citizens will be prohibited from exiting the borders of the Russian Federation.

In the event that a citizen bound to service fails to appear at a draft office according to a summons within 20 calendar days after receiving the summons, the following measures will be taken against them:

  • a prohibition to register as an individual entrepreneur or self-employed person;
  • suspension of cadastral real estate registration and state registration of real estate;
  • prohibition from driving an automobile or performing state registration for an automobile;
  • refusal of loan and credit agreements.

The aforementioned restrictions will be lifted after the person bound to military service appears at the draft office or after they've sent in information featuring respectable reason why they cannot appear.

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